NEXT with Elizabeth Ribons Podcast

L E A P - Tips To Set It UP

#careerpivot #reinvent #corporateescape #entrepreneur #startyourbusinesstips Feb 22, 2019




All true.  But what makes sense?  What makes a new small business succeed or fail? 

There are different variables but below are the most typical and then I share what has repeatedly worked in my business ventures and for my mentees.

1) The market didn't respond well. Maybe there needed to be a bit more testing.

2) Not enough knowledge on how to run the business or how to weather the problems

3) Not enough money

4) The idea just didn't resonate.  

5) People didn't know about it or you didn't have good mentors.

Launching businesses is not for the weak and it takes some real risk-taking and backbone.  

Also,  we can plan out everything and prepare(overly and procrastinate out of fear) but we just have to leap at some point.  However, the leap can come with a safety net and a lot of practice before you take the big public leap. Read below.

The human factor plays a big part in successfully launching a business. I know, I have found that its people both in and outside of my business that have bolstered my success.

Here is why.


1) I sought out and relied on mentors that came before me.  I sought advice and studied how others did what they did.  Often, it was a small interest that developed into a good business and some scaled up from there, some sold and so on. Find your tribe of support then  WATCH, LEARN, LISTEN

2) I kept those people close and also utilized the brilliance of others who provided service support for my business(trades, vendors,etc).  I made sure I kept those relationships healthy. BUILD STRONG BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS

3) I started small.  Very small. So I could manage issues, errors mistakes and complete a project or sale with success and learn how I could improve...get better at delivering my product.   Then, by the very simple effort of keeping the business small and delivering successfully, others sang my praise.  WORD OF MOUTH

4) I continued to learn what I could and stay ahead of the curve both in/how the market responds, technology and what I am offering. Always asking..How can I improve?? STAY CURRENT AND OPEN TO CHANGE 

5) I found my niche, my groove and just went with that.  I could not be everything to everyone and didn't want to be.  STAY AUTHENTIC AND SERVE - TRULY SERVE

Then, you just have to have faith.  You've prepared, you have your "safety net" Do your best and let go of the results.  

These are simple tips to set up your LEAP.  Take it small.  Test it out.  (it provides space for failure, mistakes, revisions and adjustments) Be patient.  Stay the course.  Remember nothing happens right away.  Those "overnight successes" we hear about took 5-10years.  Enjoy the journey. 

If this was helpful...LEAP and FOLLOW (there is more to come)

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