NEXT with Elizabeth Ribons Podcast

At A Crossroads - Next Steps

#middleyears #newpath #pivot #careerpivot #purpose #meaningfulwork #crossroads #careerchange #smallventure #smallbusiness #createyournewpath #reinvent #repurpose #strategy Jun 29, 2019

On the go and traveling through life..  I have been connecting with people who are equally as passionate as I am in recognizing and developing their NEXT - whether it’s their business, career, or social interest - a change for them is imminent and they are looking at the how. 


We all have times in life where we arrive at a crossroads and want things but aren’t sure about the next steps.  We caught us unaware (leaving a job or being “let go”) We may be answering personal responsibilities in life(baby, caring for a relative, family needs us, relocation) and need to change up how we live and work.  Or maybe we have seen success in our career and are ready to take the knowledge to another level…consult or mentor or just do that thing we have postponed.


The roles you have played…are all played out and while on the outside it’s a great career, on the inside its missing the mark and you know it.


It’s time for a pivot, a change but where to begin?  Transitions.  Change. It’s uncomfortable and perhaps while we see ourselves in another role, those close to us still see us in the one we have played in our life for years.


Our desire for a new career or venture is met with confusion from our peers as to why we might be considering this “pivot” into something new at this stage in life.  That is typically the norm as people really resist change at all costs when oddly, it’s one of the few things we really can be certain of in life.  People are understandably risk-averse but staying stuck…there are risks there too.


But this NEXT, it doesn’t stop beckoning you.  This idea that (let’s face it) you’ve tucked away for some time now.  You actually see yourself more in that role than in the one you are currently in. 


Keep doing that. See it and begin to develop it. in small steps. Try it out and minimize your risks. Experiment on the side with volunteering or freelance.  Research it.  Find new circles and networks.  While others may be dismayed at your “idea” you are not doing harm by seeking out answers and developing it. 


You’ve done this in life already.  For example, you went off to college and had to create a new path and it was not a simple trajectory but one that had to be identified and developed.


Additionally, creating something you are passionate about will feed you - whether it becomes a full-fledged career or side interest.   My experience and others I have worked with find that their efforts or work gets noticed and then organically this new path unfolds.  It starts with the desire for it and for change.  Take small steps. is tough,  but the pay off is growth, learning, and relevance in your life. 


Understandably it is tough to do a “side-gig” or develop your interest outside of a 9-5. Typically, good things in life are hard to achieve but worth the effort.


And if you find yourself without work, let go, etc….Wouldn’t it be great to already have been developing your NEXT?   


Life doesn’t go from point A to point B and then we are safe and all is good.  Change is part of the journey and why not embrace it?  Develop your NEXT for the joy of it and see where it takes you.

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