NEXT with Elizabeth Ribons Podcast

Career Transitions - Why Entrepreneurialism Makes Sense.

#careerdesign #entrepreneur #entrepreneurialism #sidegig #smallbusiness #womenentrepreneurs #toolsforcareers #careerchange #careertransition Mar 29, 2019

The Career and Life "Evolving" Door.  It is something women are used to...

Over the arc of our lives, we may change careers as much as  4-7 times.  Women more so because of transitioning into parenthood, then empty nest or because of changes in their household income or marital status, or they age out of jobs (as much as we would like to believe it shouldn't happen...It does).  It's a veritable "peaks and valley's"  graph.....And often, NO ONE plans for it.  Why is that?  Because they haven't considered ever needing to change their trajectory.  The status quo is secure and stable at the moment...But life will and does changeup, and some really are not happy in their current career but "stick with it".

Especially frightening is the corporate world and staying relevant (in their eyes) past the age of 50, or ramping up after taking a break to be home with children...and asking the company respond to the need to take time to be with a sick child.  Usually, that is when they get passed up for promotions and even if they have a terrific safety net in childcare... it's a tough gig.  

Being able to remain economically sustained, developing and using life experience, talents, and skills, staying fulfilled at some level while operating on all levels of life and career is difficult.   Women deserve to have something they can depend on.

What if they "recreated" their talents into a small business?  What if they purchased a small business already in place?  What if they began to freelance and created a business on a small scale?  Very doable. Very actionable and then, they can recreate those talents into another business or scale the current business they have?  

Women are perfect to become small business owners - yes, entrepreneurs.  They know how to juggle life's responsibilities, wear different hats, find energy when they are tired, improvise, problem solve, lead...Yes, they are perfect.  

So why aren't more women running their own businesses??  Because they do not have enough role models.  They hear "entrepreneur" and they believe it is a big undertaking.  It does not have to be. They have no one to guide them or very little experience relying solely on themselves to create an income.  Women need a community and mentors to help them into entrepreneurship.

I have mentored many and they have learned this:

Small steps.  Testing it out.  Getting feedback and creating a business doing what they are innately and already are good at.  Maybe it was what they were employed to do already or a spin-off of it. Then fit it in and around their lives as needed.

Being your own boss can be a little rocky at first.  You don't get the paycheck.  There is a lot to learn but I am someone that has weaved my "Thread" into new careers and businesses around my life and continue to.  There is a process and it works.

The first step is to identify your "Thread" that you can continue to weave into your life. Then the next is to design a strategy.  Prepare for this.  Think it through.

I have a workbook to help you to identify it.  Feel free to download and start identifying your Thread.  Walk through "Evolving Doors".

Compass Workbook


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