NEXT with Elizabeth Ribons Podcast

Change...It Takes Time - # 75

#adaptability #after40 #after50 #aftercorporate #change #changelanes #growth #lifetransitions #newchapter #newlife #pivot #reimagine #reinvent #transitions Nov 05, 2020
The journey of change

"Can you give me an idea of how long this will take.....??"

Who hasn't said that?  With our fast-paced world of instant results, we are less apt to be patient and our expectations of quick gratification are typically fulfilled.

We have become accustomed to it,  grateful for the efficient society we live in with convenience being the motivation and in turn making us able to live and earn....more.  Which then makes us require even more rapid results.  It is a never-ending cycle.

However, our current situation with the pandemic has slowed us down in ways that are reacquainting us with the pleasures of simpler times.  Of doing and having less.  And perhaps this is a "silver lining" on an otherwise very serious and difficult time.  This is not to diminish in any way the suffering this time has caused to so many, but an example of how we adapt and perhaps realize the "old way" is no longer serving us.

Several recent reports reflect that people are realizing the benefits of living with less, slowing down, and simplifying their lives.  Remember, the faster everything gets, the more people want to increase the results.  It's a vacuum that we had become too comfortable with.  Not really knowing how to slow it down.  But nature came up with a response to make us slow down and assess.

And in this current crisis, we have all had to adjust.  Reports and speculations reflect that we will never go back to the way it was, but create a hybrid going forward in our lifestyles and the workforce.  Companies becoming agile, employee-centric, and empathetic.   It will be interesting to see how post-pandemic developments unfold.  It won't be all at once.  The change is occurring now and will continue for a period of time, reaching a new "norm".

Change. It is initiated externally but must take place internally.  A process that we as a society are experiencing collectively.  

Change takes time.  It is uncomfortable and it makes us feel powerless when we have to let go of the past routines and habits and develop new ones. We are uncertain and it puts us in an anxious state.  We no doubt want our old ways of instant answers to come back to alleviate the discomfort we feel.  But we also see that it no longer suits us.  So we must proceed with the change as a nation.

It is the same for our personal change.  Think about it.  A loss of job, spouse, home, career, a family crisis, or a role that no longer external prompt will take us onto a journey we have to face. 

And, many will want all the answers and the "plan" upfront.  When, in reality, we have to go through the messiness of letting go, being uncertain of what's next, and then finally realizing what we must do.

There is no shame in the "middle ground" where we are transitioning out of past roles and developing our NEXT. Growth is uncomfortable. It is vital and necessary to give ourselves that time to begin to grow into this new role, life, or interest. 

But our past "instant results" mindset, our family, friends, and our culture will have us questioning ourselves, possibly even berating ourselves - for not having it all figured out.

In my own work with women in transition, I have noticed a similar pattern.

Change is put upon them or they realize they must make a change and the journey begins.

It is uncomfortable, a feeling of "out of control" and a bit lost.  

But those who stayed in that journey, albeit uncomfortable, began to realize something.  They gave themselves the time and the space to be open to how their journey would unfold.

Many weren't intentional about the "how" but simply gave themselves space and took up interests.  The interests were not directly related to any plan for their NEXT, but rather,  they allowed themselves the space to enjoy the journey and to be receptive.

Their minds were not fraught with having to come up with answers.  They relaxed and found joy in being creative, taking up an activity, a new exercise regimen, travel...etc.

And that is when - each of them has said - they realized a new direction and began to explore it.

Change.  It takes time. From there, the growth around it will evolve. Being patient with this phase and allowing yourself the time to simply get to know yourself as you are now is very important.  

As women, we lose touch with ourselves as we are deeply engrossed in so many roles.

When the time comes and you are facing change....Think about allowing yourself the time to grow into your new roles and life.  Remember the external prompt will initiate the internal journey.  Take the time to explore it.

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