NEXT with Elizabeth Ribons Podcast

Compass Strategy - Know Your WINS

Mar 04, 2019


 As a born entrepreneur, I do not have a lot of experience with corporate careers. I do however know about hiring people and shared this message at a speaking event at a University.

 If the corporate life is your goal…Think about this.  The person interviewing you wants to get a job filled and done well.  At the interview, bring them stories of your WINS, where the challenges were and how you overcame them.  Talk about your (GIFTS) strengths – how you use them and find/utilize the strengths in others for a positive end result. 

As a business owner…. Hiring the right people to help you meet goals as a team, is a huge challenge.   We cannot do it all and we need someone that “gets it done”.  Try the list I just gave as a way to interview and ask the applicant about their WINS, GIFTS and how they utilize them.

Last, if you are a service business owner, interviewing with a client for a new project.  Use this rule to show them how you can best handle the job.

Prompt: Write down your WINS.  It is never ever a waste of time to be very clear on your Gifts, Wins, Skills and how you met challenges, and know it,  so you can meet life's challenges and changes 


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