NEXT with Elizabeth Ribons Podcast

EDIT - Tips For Removing Life Clutter

#after40 #after50 #aftercorporate #change #declutter #edit #essential #essentialism #lifeclutter #lifeedit #necessary #overwhelm #secondact #middleyears #careerpivot #yourpurpose #after40 #after50 #careerdesign #lifedesign #emptynest #yourtime Oct 20, 2020
Life overwhelm and learning to declutter it

"One of the reasons we keep our lives so complicated is so we won't have to listen to our inner voice telling us what we need to do to make our lives work better"

                                                                                                   - Elaine St. James

In recent times, we have all experienced the changes brought upon us and many have commented on while it has been detrimental for us it also has opened our eyes to the value of LESS.

Time moves quickly and our lives become very cluttered with obligations, responsibilities, and things that we aren't even sure why we are doing them.

On the outside, it registers as a "good thing" because somewhere along the way in life we adopted the idea to keep taking on more and not saying "enough" or "no".

Many of us reject the feeling of our inner voice asking us to do what our true nature calls us to do because it is frightening and uncertain. But imagine for a moment, you are an old person. If it was your last day on earth, would you regret anything? While you were useful to many did you put your life to good use??    Being of service is honorable but let someone else have an opportunity to know that feeling as well by stepping back and not taking on so much.

How about starting with simply considering contentment? Contentment comes from being enough.  Proclaiming that you are and have enough and that your life is enough. It is actually a way to receive more good than you would imagine.  Much more than doing being overloaded with life clutter.

When we stack on the tasks, scheduling, and overload of life responsibilities, we are in fact saying to the world we are not enough, our life isn't enough and that is what we end up with. It turns into a cycle -we do more to validate our life - even though that inner voice keeps trying to get our attention and ask us to make a shift.  

How to stop the over cluttering of life and simplify?  The first step is to make room and begin to know contentment so we do not continue to be overburdened. Life clutter can be tasks,  screentime, chaos, nonsense, finances, clutter around us, lists, and schedules. So much to keep us from ourselves.

The more clutter we have the more we are held back from experiencing joy, realizing our true nature, and living a fulfilled life. Removing the clutter requires intentional efforts to make it happen.  To step back and rethink what the big picture is.  What do you really want from life?  How can we simplify and be authentic for ourselves??  

This question appears as a simple one but takes time and effort to consider and work towards.

Edit.  Start with shedding the clutter.  This may take a little time and the answer will come if space is made for it.

As author Greg McKeown in his book: "Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less" emphasizes the importance of a better quality result in our work and lives when we respect the edit and shed what isn't essential.  He also acknowledges that this takes discipline and intentional efforts to form this new course of living and working.

In our early years, the struggle and strife proved to get us results.  Now in our middle years, it will only prove to burn us out and keep us from the life we should live and to develop ourselves into what we are meant to.

Many of us experience this or partially, in mid-life.  Realizing that our lives are precious, valuable and we have something to impart to the world.  Instead of taking on more, take on less.  Filling up your calendar with tasks will weaken your ability to live fully and make an impact and only be "getting by" or burning out.  We can be great at a few things but not at many things.  Think about that.

The reluctance to adopt this behavior is common as most will state that they are needed and have responsibilities. That means they are not delegating tasks, not using boundaries, and not saying no.

By saying is created for another person to have the opportunity to be of service or shine.  Say no. Set boundaries.

 Marie Kondo author of the book: "The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up".  Emphasizes the importance of de-cluttering.

  “Keep only those things that speak to your heart. Then take the plunge and discard all the rest. By doing this, you can reset your life and embark on a new lifestyle.” 

Think about that in a larger sense.  All of the roles, tasks, and people you are managing.  What is truly necessary?  Essential? What can be delegated or simply let go of?  When we shed these old ways - we make space for the life we are meant to be living.

Here are a few ways to begin to edit and realize what is essential:

1) Mind - Our minds are amazing and we often overstuff them with unnecessary information and then listen to it. Be selective and discerning. Learn the practice of meditation and focus on what is truly important.  Like any new undertaking, this takes time but is a lifelong gift you give yourself.  Through studies, science has acknowledged the benefits of meditation.

2) Downsize - Live with less.  Simplify.  Studies show that clutter weighs on our psyche and can cause us to become anxious and depressed.  Having a lot means you have to manage it all leaving little to no time for what you really are here on this earth for.

3) Finances - Live with less.  You may earn a lot of money but you don't want to have to earn a lot of money. Overextending ourselves financially is a life clutter issue where we are living to work and pay bills.  Declutter your finances. What is truly essential? 

4) Screentime - A recent documentary "The Social Dilemma" exposes(by those who have created social media)  the rampant issues stemming from the overuse of technology and the harm it is doing.  Decide what is necessary and essential because our lives are not set up to live completely without technology but be selective and question what is truly necessary.  Be disciplined.  Can you hand off emails to someone else? Can something be automated?  Less is more.

5) Chaos - Do you really need to get involved?  Can that person figure this out?  Can that adult child move out?  Can your siblings help with aging parents' requests?  Do you need to settle all the arguments?  Sure, this gives us a sense of purpose but it eats up our lives and it can sometimes be toxic. You can let someone else take this on.  Simplify.  

6) Engagements - Don't show up for things you aren't truly interested in.  We often feel like we have to accept every invitation and we don't.  Often, people are invited for a good turnout or to make sure the host has covered themselves and included everyone.  Ask yourself if it is really important to go be at yet another event?  Your presence is special and so is your energy and life. Again, be selective. Keep it authentic.

7)Lists - Those pesky tasks.  What really needs to be done?  Truly?  Ask yourself what would happen if you declined to do those extra 10 things?  See how you can reassign those to other people freeing up your time for the real important tasks that will bring you and your life more value.

8)Mornings- Meditate, exercise, write or do something you value for your growth. Then go live your day with intention.

The key to all of this?  Shed the excess. This year has forced us to do that in many ways but now, it's time to embrace it for our growth.

 Edit the list and put your life facing forward.  When all the noise and dust clears, you will be in a better place to begin considering your NEXT, your true nature and what you can do that gives you joy.

If this is relatable for you or know of another person who might enjoy it -please feel free to share it or follow on social.

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