NEXT with Elizabeth Ribons Podcast

Embrace Change - Prepare For It

Mar 09, 2019

 "We have to let you go.."

 Those are not words anyone wants to hear.  Especially if you were gliding right along and not expecting to really be back in the market looking for work.  But, with this fast-paced world, change is imminent.  Jobs and markets swinging, changing, transforming and fast-growing businesses springing up, while once thriving industries drop away. 

One needs to be mindful of the trends. If they chose or require employment over self employment, it is important to keep an eye on what is happening . Because as we all know, nothing is forever.   Empowering ourselves to embrace change - not fearing it(because it will happen)  - is the best way to prepare oneself for a better outcome. Besides, a job or career switch might be exactly what is needed at this time, and a nudge was necessary to get you into action.  

Isn't that always true?? We look back at a difficult place in our journey and realize it was life letting us know it had a different plan for us.  Prepare and be clear so you can communicate your value whether employed or self-employed and remain economically sustained.

Hopefully, you are keenly aware of your magnificence: Your Value= (Gifts, Wins, Strengths and your Now) so you can reinvent yourself into the next job or career. 

But be mindful.  

If possible, don't wait until you have been "Let go".  Start developing your interests.  Be clear on what you can create that is necessary and unique.  If you must be employed - use the Compass Strategy that I explained recently Compass Strategy - for communicating your Value and develop your BRAND.  You.

Prompt: If you are in a corporate job and enjoy being an employee...Consider where you are at for now and if you think your job will be there in 5 years.  It takes 3- 5 years to launch and grow a business.  Maybe an interest on the side or a consulting business would be worth building for yourself in a small way. Give yourself options...don't wait for them to be taken from you.

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