NEXT with Elizabeth Ribons Podcast

Half Full? Half Empty?

#empowerothers #empoweryourself #fear #fearandfaith #reframe #youarenecessary #youmatter Nov 04, 2022
Facing Our Fears

Are you feeling like you want to pull the blankets over your head in the morning?? 

I know I have spent nights worrying and attempting to solve big problems when in fact, all I did was lose sleep.

When I get to this place and I wake up to another day, I choose to reframe the picture.

  • I find what is good.  The sun is shining. 
  • I am alive
  • I have clean water to heat up for my cup of tea.  I have tea!

Simple? It seems so but it takes some effort.  And folks want to naturally take a big helping of fear. 

 Because fear is a natural, primitive human emotion.It is meant to keep us safe from harm.

However, it seems the scales have tipped toward fear more than faith.

Faith and confidence in ourselves, what is good, and our God.

And yes, it all seems so overwhelming some days. We feel powerless. 

It's understandable as we reason out "What could I possibly do? This is so much bigger than me??" 

But we are given the gift of a fresh new day.  We are alive.  We are meant for something important and that is where we have power.

We can choose how we treat ourselves, how we treat others, how we spend our dollars, and our time, and..what it supports.  

Just these simple things can help someone else see what is good and now..You have just empowered two more people to make positive choices.

Collectively...that is powerful.

We are mothers, sisters, daughters and more.  We are necessary and can make a huge difference in a way that is intrinsically powerful.

Start where you are... You could make a difference.

Will your cup be half full?  Or half empty?  

Whether just starting out, or starting again - NEXT encourages us to rethink and design how we live and work - empowering us to continue to remain relevant throughout life

Find out more about the author,( Speaker, Podcast Host): Elizabeth Ribons 

See what is  NEXT at NEXT Career & Life

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