NEXT with Elizabeth Ribons Podcast

June - The Month Of Transitions

#emergingentrepreneur #newgrad #career #emptynest #p #newcareer #transitions #yournext Jun 01, 2019

June. The month of transitions. Bridges. Starting Anew. Graduations, weddings, schools out, moving... 

After the “woohoo! That’s done with..” we are left with a gap... There’s always a bit of discomfort... Trepidation. The "What ifs?" Come flying in. Even though we look forward and anticipate to what’s new, letting go of what was is a challenge. 

What’s Next???" I’ve got a new path to forge, life script to write... challenge to meet"

In the past, I used to dive right into creating new routines and staying focused. Looking back now I see that it was to comfort my “What Now? What’s Next?” Feelings. Filling up the newly available time with busy-ness. 

Others I knew, would get hopelessly immobilized.. Stuck with the What’s Next? question. 

I recall going to the campus bookshop after graduation and the student commented that I was "lucky" to be finished.  Yes!  I was...Or was I??  All my routines, my way of living were about to change.  I had to pivot and transition into making a career happen. That was frightening.

What someone wise taught me once when I was going through an especially difficult and awful- but necessary- transition in my life was to “Just feel it”. Stop and take time to remember what was good, what I learned, mourn it a bit and then be ok with that gap.

Be open to the Next.... Instead of anxiously filling it up. Just quiet yourself she said to me. Feel the feelings. Be ok with the gap. Find the grace/gratitude🙏Because in that, is the only way we can fully be present for the Next. 

Transitions -all of them can throw us off balance. Give yourself the time to just feel, celebrate and mourn them. 

Then consider your Next. Not sure? Need some “words around it”?I’ve been through plenty... And I share my process in my blogs and with mentees. I developed a workbook to get some clarity. It’s a great tool to use for communicating your value, your gifts and your ...Next. 

It is also good for negotiating a project, new job, or promotion.  Having the "words" to communicate your value defined, refined and practiced will add the necessary confidence you need to make it believable.

Compass Workbook


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