NEXT with Elizabeth Ribons Podcast

Know Your Thread - Why It is Important

Apr 12, 2019

What is "Know Your Thread"??

As I prepare to do a workshop this weekend with a group of women 35-50, I will be speaking about how important it is to Know Your Thread.   You see as women, we will transition in and out of careers to accommodate personal and career goals. Usually, more often than men

How do we remain sustained - both personally and economically??  This is a question and an issue that isn't collectively being answered.  Many don't even consider transitions until they are forced to.  

How about turning that around??  In today's face paced job market, it is important to hone and develop your best skills and know your value.   That is what makes us marketable for future employment. And it seems to change up faster than before. 

Now add in a life change, and the corporate schedule might not be as forgiving when you are needing to be away from the office more and business trips become an issue.

You want to earn, but also have other factors influencing your life and career decisions.

Or you may not have worked for many years and find yourself in a place where you must earn.  How do you start that in your mid-years after, for example; 15 years away from the work force?  Where to begin?

Start by getting to Know Your Thread= Your Gifts, Strengths, Wins and Now.  This is something everyone should be learning early on so they can create their careers around their lives as it will change, expand and contract.

If your employer allows you to work remotely, that is great.  If you have flexibility within the company you work for to make your schedule as long as you deliver your work...that is another great option.  But often, companies downsize and look for "outside contractors" or expect you in the office M-F.  

What's next??

Usually, it is best to consider a business.  Most say "Wait...becoming an entrepreneur is daunting" "I need a paycheck"   But the paycheck may stay low because you need to pivot around other life responsibilities OR you haven't been working OR those job offers are not rolling in. Or, maybe its not a paycheck you need but you need to "get back out there" 

Look at the amazing and fast-paced success of the workspaces known as WeWork.  Many are already becoming their own "brand" or boss.  You just have to Know Your Thread.

How about a small step?? Consider putting together a service utilizing your Thread.  Start small - a micro business that with traction can develop into a full-fledged business you can grow or maintain or recreate into another business....or even sell.

I have done this throughout my life.  Yes, I have worked jobs but have mostly owned my own businesses.  I didn't have a name for it but knew my Thread and weaving it into another career/business that has been fulfilling and profitable, all the while being able to meet my personal life goals. Reinvent to stay economically and personally sustained.

Women are good candidates for business - entrepreneurship, solo, micro, social.  It is definitely something to consider.  It is my goal to support them through this resource.

But one thing at a time.

This weekend, I am sharing my journey to inspire and empower women thinking about their Thread.  

I am developing an online workshop around this cornerstone to Better By Design It and it will launch soon.

If you are curious and want to know more...


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