NEXT with Elizabeth Ribons Podcast

Make it Work - Stay Resilient, Stay Relevant

#resilient #relevant #mompreneur #careerchange #corporateescape #stayflexible #careerdesign #lifedesign #mompreneur Mar 15, 2019

Jobs, needs and careers are rapidly changing.

Rather than be caught by surprise, bemoaning how things changed up.   Or left with a void and not sure what is next...Get your tools together and be clearly aware of what you can be doing to champion changes in your career and life.  How about YOU write the script??

Just remember…in this current period in our world, things are changing and reinventing at a rapid rate, there is space for you.(Especially if you are keenly aware of your GIFTS/WINS/Skills AndNOW) But why not prepare?  Why not develop your ability to be resilient and flexible...and remain relevant?

  • Reinvent your innate abilities and experiences into something that makes sense for your NOW and test it out.  It may not be quite right and you will have to adjust and experiment a bit.  But the sooner you start the sooner you will be developing your next phase in life.
  • Think of an unanswered need where you have skills that can answer the need.  Create a service or business or career you can fit around your skills and life.  
  • Utilize all your successes to communicate to yourself just how valuable you are. It's your confidence that will speak before you do.

Vague on the success, wins, and skills?  Use this tool below

**Use the Compass workbook - a tool to help you identify and define your successes, wins and skills to support your journey to reinvent your career... and stay relevant.  It is offered as a companion tool in my workshop.  Compass Workbook

I hope I can inspire you to consider your options and to stay resilient and relevant at any stage in life.  I would love to know what you think. Stay in touch for an upcoming free Webinar to support the workbook.  Our email is on the page following the workbook download.


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