NEXT with Elizabeth Ribons Podcast

Time - Being Intentional For a Richer Life

#lifebalance #time #timemanagement #lifestyle #lifestyledesign #careerdesign #worklifebalance #wealth #lifedesign Apr 05, 2019



It doesn't take me long these days to identify when I am not living intentionally.  Things like running late, driving a little too fast, missing meals, missing my workout, canceling time with friends, sloppy work and falling asleep on the sofa at 8:15 pm. 

I am not doing myself or anyone else any favors.  I used to run like that because I thought I had to.  Then I stepped back, knowing that was not how I wanted to live my life and I most definitely wanted to be present for the moments in life that are so simple yet so important.  

Could I have a successful business AND relationships AND enjoy "me time"?  I decided I would figure it out.   Early on, I walked away from a much-coveted job in film & tv and then again -my prize goal grab of a business I dreamed of to fulfill personal goals.  It was sucking up so much of my life.  It was then I decided that I would "work to live" not "live to work" and began designing my life in just that way.  

I did not instantly know how to do this but knew I could not keep up an insane pace, have a family and keep my sanity (workouts, meditation, gardening) without engineering some "systems"  Some worked and some didn't and I kept adjusting.

Time management is a buzz word right now.  But I am skeptical.  I think it'corporations andnd the media feeding people the idea of "be more efficient so you can squeeze more in"  Nope.  Go back up to the top and read the first paragraph.  That is what starts to happen.  Be intentional instead.

Here are some tips:

1) Step back.  Look at your life and work.  Where are you spending the least amount of time and reaping the highest results?  Is there a way you can leverage that?  Create it?  Maybe take that skill and weave it into another business, career or relationship (sorry -but you know what I mean here)

2) Stay fluid.  Be willing to adjust as needed or walk away. The earlier, the better.  Whether in negotiation, work, systems, toxic relationships.  The sooner you see the problem, the sooner you can recreate a solution and a strategy.  

3) Be patient - with yourself and others. do this right, you will need to rely on others.  You have to delegate the stuff you do that just is not utilizing your best skills - Where you can be creating Wealth= Equal parts of work, life, and love. And let others have a chance at doing the work, filling the need, creating their journey.  It is different than yours and you don't need to be concerned if your tasks are not their dream.

4) Seek out people with skill sets and abilities that are not like yours but compliment you.

5) Stay keenly aware when you are "getting sloppy" and get to the bottom of what you are doing that is OFF.  

We only get this life once.  Time is your most valuable commodity.  We all want to be happy and more work, stuff, people isn't going to do it.  Quality time spent effectively for Wealth will double your life experience tremendously.

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