NEXT with Elizabeth Ribons Podcast

We Are Better Together

#adaptability #after40 #agility #buildyourbusiness #business #change #changelanes #groups #lifedesign #careerdesign #selfdefined #selfdesign #career #lifejourney #middleyears #afterthekids #after40 #after50 #lifepath #success #lifeworkbalance #stepbackfromwork #womenhelpingwomen #womensupportwomen Oct 07, 2020

As women, we can go in so many different directions and really are supportive to so many...How do we get support?  

Currently, more and more women are choosing to step back from their careers to show up for personal responsibilities, care for children, parents, and siblings  - even more so now during the pandemic. Historically, women have stepped back more than men but now it has become even more widespread and no longer a "women's issue" but an economic issue of "epidemic proportions" as this NYTimes article reports.

Recent studies reflect a concern for the progress made in the workplace with gender equality and it may well set it back for years to come.  

Some of the suggestions by this McKinsey Report show that some companies are adopting a more flexible and empathetic workplace so that they can retain the employees most affected by today’s crises and nurture a culture in which women have equal opportunity to achieve their potential over the long term. 

Certainly, companies will have to adapt to new ways of working universally as trends are changing.  This news of a nurturing environment is hopeful.  I recall over two decades ago, a client of mine who was an attorney worked for one of the major networks.  She shared her job with another mom - so they could both stay in their career but in a manageable way.  It was quite progressive at the time.  

I also knew women doctors doing the same - sharing/working part-time.  But those women in the workforce now on the leadership track?   Those are what the reports are reflecting as a real issue for the progress women have made in the workforce.  The status quo just isn't working.

What will the women who do decide to step back do instead?  With so many having to remain flexible in life but still earn, they may take up a solo entrepreneurial business that they can manage around their schedules.  So many women have valuable talents and skills - why not reinvent their careers?  What if those women built businesses that nurtured a culture that working women need?  It's exciting to consider for the new generations to come because clearly, the status quo isn't working.

Progressive companies do offer childcare and that is helpful.  But more flexibility in the workplace needs to be considered. Currently, during the pandemic, there are no options other than to step back or try to manage it all, and it's causing tremendous stress.

Imagine, if businesses did embrace this culture, how much better off the companies and the families would be?

Of course, there is the issue of women leaving work because of aging parents and family members needing care.  What solutions have been offered there?

While this is seen as an epidemic issue there aren't any real answers, yet some are offered in this report from the NYTimes.

Women becoming solo-entrepreneurs and keeping flexible hours may be the best way forward at the moment.  I am hopeful we as a country will do better.  

Where do we as women get support?  If we are struggling to work and care for loved ones we are most typically alone.  We have friends we can reach out to but what about groups?  People experiencing or having experienced what we are going through?

Women are stronger together and create a powerful impact.  Women help women - forget about that myth that they do not.  Whether it is a business or a personal issue - seeking out groups to provide feedback, support, share their knowledge and experiences is tremendously important.  

Consider connecting with groups, mentors, coaches and experts to provide support.  Being a solo entrepreneur or the primary caregiver does not mean you have to do it alone.  

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