NEXT with Elizabeth Ribons Podcast

What is Your NEXT?

#resilient #entrepreneur #womenentrepreneurs #soloentrepreneurs #myownbusiness #freelancers #freelance May 11, 2019

What is your NEXT?

Hopefully, it is something you are looking forward to, have been planning for, and are celebrating.

Those are my favorites.

NEXT is a word that I have had to make friends with.  Especially as an entrepreneur and designer.     

The universe laughs a “Plans” and I have had to deal with plenty of failed plans and disappointment.

Unexpected life surprises, ups, and downs…Just having to navigate life and business like the rest of us.

But looking back, I see that it was quite perfect.  It exercised a muscle in me to become resilient and resourceful.

And grow a thicker skin.   Say no to projects and clients that just weren’t working out. 

Mourn an idea that I was SO in love with.

And being open to the NEXT.

And in the end, it works out better than I had expected.  You know, that “hindsight is 20/20” saying?

But in the moment….Not so much. 

Ok friends.  Tell me you’re NEXT.  Let’s get really good at this. 

Have a beautiful day.

Email me at: [email protected]


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