NEXT with Elizabeth Ribons Podcast

What's Next? Managing the Dance

#yourtime #afterthekids #emptynest #after40 #after50 #careerdesign #lifedesign #fempreneur #lifeswork #yourpurpose Apr 27, 2019

The tables had turned…When my daughter provided insight on something that I had experienced.  This bird will fly….

That moment when you realize…Whoa, she is on her way. You’ve done your job.Then..its.  Ok what’s my role now?

You’re needed, then not needed.  One minute providing insight the next being told to butt out…

Ugh!! It's not easy. 

But that is part of the process.  You want them to fly.  You want them to succeed as they define it.  To experience their lives authentically and fully.  Because it’s their life.

Now, what are you going to do with yours??

There is a space held that is now less filled.  What’s Next?? 

As women, it feels like we are doing the  Cha-Cha dance steps to fulfill our goals

and be present for others. It’s a lot of hats.

Then that phase ends ..abruptly.

Time to pivot.  Or hopefully, ramp up what you were doing OR create something new.

Again…? Or maybe you got stuck and need a shift in perspective.

Knowing and defining your Thread - (brand+purpose) develops the flexibility women need to continue to Cha-Cha through life but really well. (so join me and get the workbook)

If you already know what you are going to do with your fabulous life NOW ..Tell me! email me. I am always interested in what others are doing.  

Or if you’d like to get some perspective. Click Compass Workbook

email: [email protected]

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