NEXT with Elizabeth Ribons Podcast

What's NEXT? - Start With Flipping The Script

#change #growth #growthmindset #pivot #powerinwords #reimagine #reinvention #transitions #uplevel #words Aug 25, 2020

What’s NEXT? - Start with Flipping the Script

In our current climate -  especially -  life is serving up to many of us change or we feel the necessity to change and know it’s time. 

The nagging feeling of knowing that a change is imminent, but are left unable to be clear on where to start can be paralyzing    For so many,  negative words come flowing into our heads with negative self-talk, shaming, not feeling like "we are enough”

A small way to begin is to “Flip the Script” Change the messages in your mind, what your responses are, and words you use with others.


A very simple step to get started is using words in a positive way to support and affirm, bolster our self-confidence, and remind us of our value and self-worth.  Words of affirmation are something we hear about a lot and many think it may be “woo woo” and silly.  But, there are studies behind it. As mentioned in the piece The Neuroscience Behind Words from the BRMInstitute. 

"Scientific studies actually show that positive and negative words not only affect us on a deep psychological level, but they have a significant impact on the outcome of our lives." 

While you may be needing to sit with the position of having to change course...You can do something that will help the transition.

Consider these steps to creating powerful, positive words as the springboard to your NEXT and a healthy perspective on your life now.

-Take account of the words you use and how they are affecting you.  Look at how you respond to others and how you can change the direction and affect with your words.

-Words are incredibly powerful. Our perspective is vital to getting through that panic point of fear we all experience when change is imminent.

-Be thoughtful about your words.  Say out loud what you want, what is scaring you, and what you can do today to change it. Begin by Flipping The Script in your mind.

-Find, craft, and use words and sentences & affirmations that lift you up, guide you, and support you. 

-Seek out others who are going through the same thing and meet up - virtually even - once a week to say the words out loud and get support.  It's a good practice to share with others and to hear their experiences.  Groups can be highly supportive and also offer a perspective you may not have considered.   

-Remember, it is not networking as we all have known. This is supportive crowdsourcing.  Where bolstering each other is the goal rather than our businesses.

****These circles, masterminds, and groups have been incredibly powerful in my life and growth as well as many others I interview on the podcast: NEXT launching in September****

-Seek out a coach that can help you navigate the journey of change and overcoming the obstacles.  Coaches are experts at helping us identify where we may be self-sabotaging and what areas we can strengthen. They are objective and can quickly help us identify our path and how to navigate it.

-Practice your words.  Have them handy when someone says something - albeit well-meaning - but not altogether positive about your current status.

Here are a few I have used and continue to:

Crowdsourcing & connecting    (instead of Networking)

Exploring opportunities  (instead of unemployed and job hunting)

Changing it up  ( instead of downsizing, smalling, or moving)

Changing lanes, leveling up (this one is for when you are preparing to pivot and  everyone gets a little afraid for you)

****And keep your WIN (success) stories close to remind you of how very necessary your skills and presence in this world are. 


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