NEXT with Elizabeth Ribons Podcast

What We Miss When We Assume

#adaptability #adjust #ageism #bridgetheagegap #connecting #cross-generation #entrepreneurship #mentorher #mentorship #networking #personaldevelopment May 26, 2022
Don't Assume

During a recent podcast interview, I was speaking with a young woman who is doing amazing things both in building her business in ways that exemplifies her core values and expands her life.

It wasn't easy for her and she experienced difficult challenges and obstacles (most would quit) But she was resolute and learned even more because of what she overcame.

She credits her success to her resolve, her focus on goals, her willingness to stay the course, and... network of wisdom. She had mentioned how she had arrived at a real turning point when she had sought guidance from seasoned entrepreneurial women within her network.  Her business grew and she hasn't looked back. 

She admitted that at first, she relied on her grit and believed she was enough. She didn't think to ask for guidance and didn't realize that she had a valuable resource in her network.  Then, she seized an opportunity to receive valuable insight and guidance from an established, successful woman and it made all the difference in her network.  

And because of that experience, she devotes time to attracting young women into this entrepreneurial network, encouraging them to leverage all the knowledge there.

However, she mentioned their reluctance to connect or reach out and often leave the network.  She admits that early on, she too assumed that these established, successful women would not have time for her, or maybe they wouldn't relate to her.  But she had an opportunity to ask...and she did.  It has been an amazing support for her journey and she continues to stay connected to her mentors.

Women are new at this.  Men have worked with mentors for years but women....tend not to ask for help.  

How can we do better to connect and learn from one another?

Three to four decades ago, any women who blazed trails ahead of us did not often share their knowledge and networks with those women coming up.  That has changed.  There are plenty of women who are willing to share and mentor young women.  But how do we get past the assumptions - on both sides?

And we cannot overlook the opportunity for successful women to learn from young women?  I find the young women today incredibly savvy and brilliant.  If we assume they are dismissing us because of our age - or - if we dismiss them for theirs, we are missing out on an incredible opportunity.

How do we counteract these assumptions? How do we create the connections?

In a recent blog, I wrote about our culture and how we have put so much value on what is new and fresh.  Repurposing our lives in a way that utilizes our values sets an example to those coming up.  This is not an easy road as everyone wants to stay in their lane in life but we have to much to offer each other to not find a way to co-create, work together and learn from one another.

Here are a couple of ways I have found to work around this predetermined bias - on both sides of the age spectrum.  It isn't perfect but it is a start in the right direction. 

1) Join networks and connect. In the past, this was a way to 'network' for business.  But now, if we network to connect with one another and offer a value experience - connection, recommendation, collaboration or mentor partnership - we are doing far more for our business and career.

2) Find ways to overlap, collaborate or connect.  Ex: Womens business networks and entrepreneurial networks have 'emerging professionals' groups.  I have noticed they lack 'verve' and perhaps it is because as mentioned earlier they assume that they may be bothering the older members or the older members may seem non-relevant to what the younger members are pursuing.  A roundtable discussion on topics and mixing up the crowd is helpful.  So often, those who know each other sit together.  Mix it up.  

3) Ask questions, take an interest.  Invest in those around you in the network.  You never know where it will lead

3) Encourage Masterminds with a handful of emerging entrepreneurs and professionals with those who may be established but searching for their 'NEXT'  The differing age groups input can inspire opportunities each hadn't considered.

4) This should never be a one-way street.  Everyone has something to offer - and this is key.  I have received some of the best insights from women 20-33.  Emerging professionals and entrepreneurs are savvy in areas  the established members are not.  Let go of the assumptions 

5) Mingle mingle.  We have to get to know one another and the roundtables help.  Encourage conversation and ask if that person whom you would like to know more from would be willing  to meet for coffee.  Take it slow, see if they are open to collaborate with you - perhaps you have something you can offer them.

The younger generation is "building" and working.  By midlife, most of us our seeking a purposeful pursuit where we can put our wisdom and experience to use. Listen, observe and learn from them.

Additionally, the younger generations have much to offer as well, and if they are willing, like my podcast guest, they can get incredible guidance from these networks. 

Ageism is an issue in our culture that needs work - on both ends.  And the only way we can change it is to start with our own mindset and efforts.  

If we continue to learn, we continue growing - in any stage of life - which keeps us relevant and dynamic.

Whether just starting out, or starting again - NEXT celebrates how women work and live - empowering them to leverage change and remain relevant throughout life and career. 


Find out more about the author,( Speaker, Founder, Podcast Host): Elizabeth Ribons 

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